Dwarf Fortress
Game Save Manager

This is a command line script with embeded powershell
It manages the Steam version of the Dwarf Fortress game save folder
by using robocopy to copy files to and from a cloud save location that you define
basically it runs the following commands
robocopy "your cloud save location\save" "steam folder for df\save" *.* /dcopy:dat /xo /s
run game and wait for it to finish
robocopy "steam folder for df\save" "your cloud save location\save" *.* /dcopy:dat /xo /s
NOTE: it can take a while to create the backups
you can put > nul at the end of the robocopy commands to get a cleaner output
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set robocopySwitches=/dcopy:dat /xo /s
set RegVariables=HKCU\Variables
set RegSteamDF=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Steam App 975370
set "dfpath=no"
for /F "usebackq tokens=2,* skip=2" %%L IN (
`reg query "%RegVariables%" /v syncPath`
) do set "dfSyncPath=%%M"
set "PScommand="^
POWERSHELL -noprofile Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms;^
$FolderBrowse = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog -Property @{^
ValidateNames = $false;^
InitialDirectory = '!dfSyncPath!';^
CheckFileExists = $false;^
RestoreDirectory = $true;^
FileName = 'Selected Folder';^
$null = $FolderBrowse.ShowDialog();^
$FolderName = Split-Path -Path $FolderBrowse.FileName;^
Write-Output $FolderName""
for /F "usebackq tokens=2,* skip=2" %%L IN (
`reg query "%RegSteamDF%" /v InstallLocation`
) do set "dfpath=%%M"
if "!dfpath!" NEQ "no" (
@rem Game info found in registry
powershell -noprofile write-host -back yellow -fore black Select a location to sync Dwarf Fortress saves folder
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore magenta This will be the location where the Dwarf Fortress game saves folder will be copied
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore yellow .. So c:\users\you\dropbox\DwarfFortress will end up with c:\users\you\dropbox\DwarfFortress\save
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore magenta If for some reason the cloud share does not have the save folder
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore yellow .. the Dwarf Fortress game saves folder will be copied after you quit Dwarf Fortress
if defined dfSyncPath (
@rem save game folder path found in registry
powershell -noprofile write-host -back black -fore green currently it is !dfSyncPath! click cancel to keep using it
for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%Q in (`%PScommand%`) do set folder=%%Q
if not defined folder (set folder=!dfSyncPath!)
) else (
@rem looks like first time the script is run on this machine
@echo ====================================================
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore yellow Select a cloud share folder on a system like dropbox
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore magenta If you already have a save folder in that location
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore yellow .. the contents of the save directory will be copied do your Dwarf Fortress game save folder
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore magenta If you do not have a save folder in that location
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore yellow .. the Dwarf Fortress game saves folder will be copied after you quit Dwarf Fortress
for /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%Q in (`%PScommand%`) do set folder=%%Q
if not defined folder (goto :noFolderSelected)
) else (
@rem no registry info for game
powershell -noprofile write-host -back yellow -fore black Can not find Dwarf Fortress registry information
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore magenta note - This script is for the Steam Version
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore yellow .. it uses the registry to get the game information
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore blue .. %RegSteamDF%
goto finished
set "Mytime=!time: =0!"
set dt=!DATE:~10,4!-!DATE:~7,2!-!DATE:~4,2!_!mytime:~0,2!-!time:~3,2!-!time:~6,2!
set dtc=!computername!_!dt!
@echo ----------------------------------------------------
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore magenta Backing up your local game DF save file
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore yellow .. '!dfpath!\save'
echo to
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore yellow .. 'c:\temp\df\save_!dt!'
robocopy "!dfpath!\save" "c:\temp\df\save_!dt!" *.* !robocopySwitches!
@echo ----------------------------------------------------
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore magenta Backing up for safe keeping
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore yellow .. '!folder!\save'
echo to
powershell -noprofile write-host -fore yellow .. '!folder!\saved-backups\!dtc!'
robocopy "!folder!\save" "!folder!\saved-backups\!dtc!" *.* !robocopySwitches!
reg add "!RegVariables!" /v syncPath /t REG_SZ /d "!folder!" /f > nul
if exist !folder!\save (
@echo ----------------------------------------------------
powershell -noprofile write-host -back yellow -fore black 'Copying !folder!\save to !dfpath!\save'
robocopy "!folder!\save" "!dfpath!\save" *.* !robocopySwitches!
@echo ----------------------------------------------------
powershell -noprofile write-host -back yellow -fore black Starting Dwarf Fortress
start "" /wait /d "!dfpath!" "Dwarf Fortress.exe"
@echo ----------------------------------------------------
powershell -noprofile write-host -back yellow -fore black Copying Dwarf Fortress save folder to !folder!\save
robocopy "!dfpath!\save" "!folder!\save" *.* !robocopySwitches!
goto finished
echo cancelled - no folder selected - clossing script
Setup the script
Create a file on your desktop called run_DF.cmd and then edit it
copy and paste all the contents of the above script into the file
save the script and then just double click it
Run the script
The script will ask you to select a location (like dropbox) to save your game save folder
If a save folder exists at that location it will be copied to the Dwarf Fortress game save folder
It will run Dwarf Fortress.
When you Quit it will copy the save game folder to your cloud save location.